Two senior adults talking to a woman about assisted living & Long Term Senior Care

Nearly nine years ago, I sat across the table from a couple searching for assisted living for their parent. The couple showed me an annuity their mom had purchased with 10-year surrender charges that were higher than anything I had seen previously. The mom was 93.

This couple had limited funds to work with and the annuity could not be broken without penalties that exceeded its usefulness. The wife had tears rolling down her cheeks as she asked me if I could help. At that time, I determined to find a better way to educate seniors, their families, and those who work in the senior industry that you can’t use a cookie cutter annuity policy or “plan” to solve all problems.

You can’t just apply for benefits, you must know your client and their suitability! This was long before my industry dealt with the now infamous DOL and fiduciary responsibility. But I knew then it should be the responsibility of everyone who works with seniors to take their fiduciary responsibility seriously.

In the years since my first experience, I have been fortunate to work with many families and referral sources. It is my privilege to educate clients and I hope I am making a positive impact on the community at large.

A client called today—we helped her mom in 2015 and she just had a quick question. She thanked me for the ongoing representation and knows that she can call us with questions and we will be there. Her mom had been one of those spouses who took care of their loved one for years, never knowing there was a pension that could help.

Today she receives the surviving spouse pension and it has made all the difference. The daughter thanked me and the incredible team of people I work with – from the placement agent who helped them find the care to the care community that has done a fantastic job of making her life better and safe. It is amazing what we can accomplish when we understand the WHY of what we do.

Long Term Assurance – to assist seniors and those who care about them in paying for long term care. Giving security and assurance to our clients one step at a time.

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